Immigration Medical Exam USCIS Civil Surgeon

Immigration Medical Exam

Anyone applying for permanent residence must undergo an immigration medical exam. If you are applying for an adjustment of status within the United States, a U.S. civil surgeon should examine you. Dr. Abraham Golbari is U.S Civil Surgeon.

What do they check in the immigration medical exam?

The medical exam will involve many different screenings. The screening will include a tuberculosis test, vaccination screening, medical history review, physical exam, mental exam, drug and alcohol screening, and blood and urine screening. 

Tuberculosis Test

The CDC requires the doctor to conduct an “interferon gamma release assay” (IGRA) test on all green card applicants ages two and older.

However, if the IGRA test indicates you may have tuberculosis, you will have to undergo further testing and a chest x-ray. 

Vaccination Screening

The Immigration and Nationality Act requires certain vaccines, and the CDC requires others. You will need to prove you have received the following vaccinations depending on your age:

  • Mumps, measles, and rubella 
  • Diphtheria toxoids and tetanus
  • Polio
  • Pertussis
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Haemophilus Influenza Type B
  • Influenza
  • Varicella
  • Pneumococcal Pneumonia
  • Meningococcal
  • Rotavirus

These guidelines could vary over time, so you can check the list U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) provides. 

Medical History Review

The doctor will also check your medical history. They will specifically note: 

  • If you ever stayed in the hospital or had any significant events in your health history 
  • If you ever were disabled or highly sick and unable to function as an average member of society 
  • If you were ever in an institution for a chronic mental or physical condition 

Physical Exam

During your visit you will have a physical Exam done by the USCIS doctor.

Mental Exam

Your doctor will also examine your mental health. They will likely assess your intelligence, judgment, mood, behavior, and comprehension. They will especially note: 

  • Current mental or physical disorders associated with harmful or violent behavior 
  • Past mental or physical conditions associated with dangerous or violent behavior and that are likely to reoccur. 

If these two categories apply, you could be inadmissible. 

Drug & Alcohol Screening

The doctor will also ask you about any prescription drugs you take, your past and current drug and alcohol use, and whether you have had a history of substance abuse. 

Blood & Urine Screening

You will receive a blood test to check for syphilis and a urine test to check for gonorrhea if you are older than fifteen.

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